
If you feel that what I do is meaningful to you, here are a few things you can do to support my creation.

  1. Listen to my music and follow me on your favorite streaming platform, my music is on all of them, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and more. Just look for The God Fairies.
  2. Subscribe to
  3. Get my music on Bandcamp
  4. Follow me on SoundCloud
  5. Become a partner in crime – join my mailing list (I never spam)
  6. Connect with me on Facebook
  7. Join our Facebook group Female-lead music, tv and movies
  8. Follow us on Instagram: @thegodfairies
  9. Contact me to book shows, speaking gigs, etc.

Who knows, maybe with enough support I can quit my day job and dedicate myself full-time to writing books and music. ❤️